
3 Moles In Triangle Meaning

The meaning of moles in the course of a triangle. The meaning of birthmarks on the face up and torso. When medical attention is needed

"Morphoscopy - applied pedagogy about the imprints of astrological influences on the homo body. Co-ordinate to astrological principles, the human trunk is divided into "spheres of influence" by the signs of the zodiac. The head is nether the influence of Aries, the neck is Taurus, the arms are Gemini, etc. If an important planet or point of the horoscope is in a person's astrological chart in any sign, then a mark should be on the corresponding part of the body: a birthmark, a mole, etc. etc. The appearance, disappearance, change in the shape and colour of the marker indicates a change in the situation associated with this planet. For example, a pale bluish mole on the chest on the "happy" side (for men, this is considered to be the right side of the body, for women - the left side) speaks of the protection of ancestors, a karmic approving, and from the "unhappy" i, of the ancestral curse. A birthmark on the top of the foot near the heel speaks of secret leadership, the possibility of hidden influence on the actions of others. A red-brown spot in the lower abdomen on the "unlucky" side is a warning about possible death in mass catastrophes. "

P.P. Globa. Pop astrology. Minsk, 1993.

The pregnant of moles and astrology: sides of the body

The human trunk in morphoscopic educational activity is usually divided into 2 equal parts. The primal line, which starts from the center of the brow and goes strictly vertically, divides the torso into equal halves - correct and left. Each carries relevant information almost astrological influences on this item person. In morphoscopy, this information is expressed in the course of a diverseness of signs. These prints include moles and birthmarks of various sizes and configurations.

It is very important to recollect that for people of different genders, the features of this information depend on whether this sign is on the right or on the left side of the body.

For men, the correct half of the trunk is considered favorable, and the signs that are located on it carry positive information, indicate events that improve health, well-being and other aspects of life. Appropriately, signs on the left side of the trunk in men carry unfavorable, threatening information. For women, the left half of the body is considered favorable, and the right one-half is considered ominous, conveying negative data.

Moles and the influence of the planets

It is known that in star divination one of the most of import planets are the Lord's day and the Moon. The sun, the planet that carries light, heat and life itself, is the main indicator of a person'due south spiritual and physical capabilities. Moreover, the sun is considered a planet favorable for men. Therefore, the right half of men is identified with the sun, respectively, the dominicus has a more than favorable effect on men than on women.

The moon is a nighttime planet, it shows the hidden passive capabilities of a person. The moon controls the woman more, her left (positive) half. In men, the left "negative" half of the trunk corresponds to the Moon.

Then, the right half of the torso: men are positive, women are negative.

Left side of the body: men are negative, women are positive. Men: the right one-half is the Lord's day, the left half is the Moon. Women: the left half is the Dominicus, the right one-half is the Moon.

It follows from the above that men and women seem to have reverse charges. And this must be remembered when interpreting any signs on the body.

Signs on the human body are of several types, and each of them carries one or some other strictly defined information almost the events in life that may look him. Signs on the torso are unshakable and unsteady.

Moles and birthmarks are permanent signs. From the signal of view of morphoscopy, different types of moles are associated with dissimilar planets. And then, night moles correspond to Saturn, ruby ones to Jupiter and Mars, and light ones to Venus.

Saturn is the planet of stability, inevitability, fatefulness. Jupiter is a symbol of law, ability. Mars is a symbol of passion, war, aggression. Finally, Venus is a symbol of personal affections, human feelings, a symbol of interaction with other people, the possibility of influencing the personality of other people'due south views and desires.

The sign of Saturn - a dark mole - indicates the inevitability, predetermination of the event. Such a sign suggests that a person is facing an consequence that closes in on itself, limiting the capabilities of the individual. Nighttime moles are unshakable attitudes, and the more convex they are, the more evidence that a person's event is "written in kind" and nothing tin change information technology.

The second type of moles, cherry-red, must exist given Special attending, considering they warn about possible events in a person'south life that will touch a person in terms of authority, can force him to change behavior, worldview and even modify religion. Ideological reincarnation awaits such a person.

Low-cal moles indicate events in a person's personal life. These prints speak well-nigh obstacles or, conversely, about happy events pending a person in honey, friendship and, in full general, in relationships with the people around him. Moreover, whether this influence is stimulating or inhibiting is indicated on which side of the body this sign is located.

Practice not forget that for men and women these are different sides.

Moles and the karmic aspect

Moles as signs of fate are given to a person at birth or soon subsequently, they remain, as permanent marks, for life. On the body of a person with an platonic, happy fate, who has no problems, there should not be moles. A newborn child usually has very few moles; with age, their number increases with the growth of life experience and life problems. It is impossible to remove moles in any case! And not but in connexion with their importance in the esoteric tradition. It is known that a cancerous neoplasm tin can occur at the site of a removed mole.

According to morphoscopic pedagogy, this or that event in a person's life must necessarily occur in accord with the location of the mole. And, therefore, its removal volition negatively affect the fate of a person. Events in life will be confused, they volition take place in a different, perverted form. Such a person will be taken by surprise, volition not be able to resist the face of fate.

Information technology is believed that if at that place are moles, it means that some of import outcome has non been resolved, some trouble remains, that is, this is an indicator of a person'southward debt to his ain life, his destiny.

A mole, depending on which office of the trunk it is located on, volition indicate the area of ​​human life through which the task or trouble must be solved.

Consider, for instance, the sacred triangle. Moles tin can be found here quite often. And depending on which side it is located on, this is an indication that a person volition have to get through hard trials, need (location on the negative side) or indicates the development of special abilities, intuition when located on the positive side.

In the case when the mole is located at the apex of the triangle, the person will be capable of early and effective learning in the sciences.

About birthmarks

Dissimilar moles, which are kind of personal marks, birthmarks are indicators of permanent events associated with other people. They remind that a person should not be selfish, a loner, that he lives surrounded by other people and should be ready to help. These marks are larger than moles, more prominent, and are non dark.

Cerise birthmarks are associated with the planet Mars. And due to the fact that Mars is a symbol of war, all ambitious acts are associated with information technology - this is both a struggle for power and a test of will, such signs warn that a person in life "does not face an easy fate", he has to fight and defend himself , concentrate their forces to solve problems. Simply the loss of your ain free energy is inevitable.

Because the higher up, it is safe to say that these permanent morphoscopic signs (moles and birthmarks) point the inevitability of some problems in a person'south life, since they are karmic.

Determination of exposure time

With a morphoscopic estimation, only permanent signs are commonly read and taken into account - moles and birthmarks. Other skin marks are indicators of modest short-term events.

Attention is paid only to moles that appeared before the age of seven. If they persist further, so such moles volition be considered permanent signs, simply if they disappear after seven years, then they are not taken into account. If any sign disappears, some other may appear in its place. If this is a pale spot, and so we can assume that some events, good or unfavorable, may not nonetheless happen to this person in life.

To determine the fourth dimension of the event indicated by a particular sign, you lot demand to know how each part of the human torso is divided according to its lifetime.

The entire human body is divided into three parts: arms, legs, torso. Then each of these parts must be divided horizontally into 8 equal parts. The fourth dimension of the event that heralds a particular sign is determined from top to bottom (from nascence to expiry). The age at which the event of interest will occur can ordinarily be determined with an accuracy of ten years.

For example, if there is a mole in the middle of the forearm, then the event will occur at the historic period of 40-l years.

Analysis and synthesis in morphoscopy

By means of morphoscopic synthesis, the most important fundamental factors in the fate of a person are revealed.

From the bespeak of view of morphoscopic synthesis, all people are divided into four types. Each of them corresponds to a sure element: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. One more element joins these four bones elements - Ether.

In order to determine which karmic type a person belongs to, starting time of all, it is necessary to highlight the primary zone of each of the elements. This is washed taking into account the quantity and quality of permanent body prints in that detail area.

Elements and their zones on the trunk

Every bit mentioned above, there are five zones corresponding to the five elements. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Fire element zone - head, upper back, buttocks.

Moles located on these parts of the human torso indicate that this person is brilliant, active, with high intelligence and a developed sense of beauty. He can be a scientist, instructor, politico, artist and artist, and if the signs are located on the negative side (on the left for men and on the right for women), and then a person who has the excellent qualities listed above is, at the same fourth dimension, obstinate, uncontrollable , selfish.

Zone of the elements of the Earth - neck, tum, knees.

A person who has moles on these parts of the body has a down-to-globe grapheme, all his aspirations are aimed at solving material issues, he cannot surrender cloth well-being.

At the aforementioned fourth dimension, they are practical, punchy, respectable people. Such a person will be a practiced father of a family, merely volition never be able to achieve heights in the spiritual field.

These people may have special talents that can be easily adult, since their owners are endowed with a "divine spark" from nascency. They are prone to philosophy, music making.

Zone of the element of Air - artillery, lower dorsum, lower legs.

If moles are located on the arms, legs or lower back, this indicates a lightness of grapheme. This person is sociable, good conversationalist, easily assimilates information. Despite his flexibility, adaptability, such a person practically does non give in to someone else's influence, he is stubborn and can himself influence the world around him.

He will be a good director, journalist. Simply if the signs are located on the negative side, then the person is unreliable, dependent on someone else's opinion, and can easily beguile.

Zone of the chemical element of H2o - chest, sacred triangle, feet.

Moles in the zone of the element of Water betoken that the spiritual earth and subjective concepts such every bit family, home, homeland are most important for a person. Moles, especially in the expanse of ​​the sacred triangle, indicate the ability of such a person to solve mystical issues.

Such a person will make a adept medium, a fortuneteller. Moreover, if the mole is on the favorable side, the person will become famous and popular.

Zones of the elements of Ether - all parts of the trunk contain the aforementioned number of signs.

They are absolutely harmonious people, both physically and spiritually.

They apply their abilities with equal success in any field of activity, seeking recognition and fame.

Moles of Saturn

Saturn's moles on the body indicate situations in a person's life that cannot be ignored.

By studying these moles, 1 can immediately determine the fate of a person. When these moles are ruby-red, it means they are gravitating towards Mars. With such signs, a person should exist prepared for the fact that life situations expect him, which cannot be solved only and easily, that his problems will be very astute.

Determination of the favorableness of events

How to determine what situations (negative or positive) await a person on his life path?

To answer this question, you demand:

  • the most thorough exam of the right and left halves of the trunk;
  • determine which signs are located on each of them and on which half the number of these signs is greater.

Immutable imprints - moles and birthmarks - should immediately show which - good or bad - tendencies a person's life has. Information technology is interesting that unshakable marks can exist paired, that is, almost the same moles are located on both sides of the body and are separated by a central line. In the presence of such a picture, it is necessary to look for a sign in another part, which confirms or denies this situation.

For example: if in the zone of diseases - on the stomach - there are two moles, which are separated by the central line, so this is an indication of the disease. But in club to be completely certain of the definiteness of this fact, it is necessary to discover a 3rd sign that destroys or, conversely, saves. In cases of illness, 1 should wait for it in the sacral zone.

Moreover, it is very important to correctly determine the age zone, which should correspond to a given specific age of a person, which is indicated by the above film of paired moles.

If in the expanse of ​​the sacred triangle corresponding to a given historic period there is an unfavorable sign, for example, a reddish mole on the unfavorable side, then this means that this state of affairs can be resolved in the most unpredictable and unpleasant mode.

For instance, a illness that has been in a latent form for a long fourth dimension tin can suddenly end sadly in two weeks.

Conversely, even if such an unfavorable sign is on the favorable side, then a state of affairs that inspires great concern may end well, and feet for a person'south health will exist in vain.

It is of import to remember that paired prints never destroy each other, as can happen in a state of affairs when the number of moles on both halves, for example, the breast, is the same, merely neither of them has a twin pair. In such a situation, the signs are leveled.

The meaning of moles and astrology: figures from moles

Unshakable imprints on the body tin can exist represented in the form of diverse shapes - a circle, a square, a triangle, etc. dissimilar character in terms of morphoscopy:

  • a triangle of moles is a very auspicious sign;
  • circles and ovals of the correct shape likewise comport positive information and are auspicious signs;
  • unfavorable, threatening signs include five-pointed star, a square of moles and a birthmark presented in the form of a spider. But the most terrible sign is the cantankerous. The triangle is the most significant of the positive signs. If information technology appears on a person'south face up, it is considered as a sign of a qualitative restructuring. This person is considered the chosen one.

But this sign, in plow, imposes a great responsibleness on a person, he is prohibited from committing unseemly acts, to sin. Any sin tin pb to unpredictable consequences, falling into a deep abyss. The triangle symbol even in the class white spot demands a lot from a person. He will need a lot of mental forcefulness to fulfill his destiny.

If a favorable sign appears on a negative unfavorable for this person side, this is a bad sign, and troubles, misfortunes often become more serious.

For case, the figure of a triangle of moles on the left shoulder (negative one-half of the body) in a man indicates that such a person attracts misfortunes, all negative events, is a "scapegoat". When a triangle is establish on the unfavorable side, it is considered a salutary sign, protecting a person from problem and misfortune. Example: A human being with a triangle of moles on his left shoulder (negative side of the torso) has been in serious car accidents several times, simply survived unharmed.

When the figure, no affair what, is located in the middle of the body, information technology is of import to make up one's mind which side it is closer to. This can be considered an indication of how this or that life situation will develop. Will the unfavorable finish happily difficult period a person's life, or, conversely, a happy menstruum of life in all respects will finish in trouble, misfortune.

A person with such an arrangement of the sign acquires life experience that helps to cope with misfortune, to rebuild in a disquisitional state of affairs.

Left-handed and right-handed

It is difficult to carry out morphoscopic assay if the person is left-handed. In our country, such people are more often retrained, equally a result, and some of his signs alter, but some remain the same. Which of its sides is positive, and which is negative, information technology is non like shooting fish in a barrel to differentiate. In a left-handed woman, some signs on the left (happy) side will exist good, as it should be, and some will be bad.

But still, usually, if a woman is left-handed, so her signs are interpreted every bit in a man. In a left-handed human being, morphoscopic assay is performed according to the female blazon.

Near the armpits

The armpits from the point of view of morphoscopy require special attention.

In star divination, in that location is a sign that is non included in the circle of 12 signs of the zodiac. This is the 13th sign - Ophiuchus, it is associated with the centre of the Galaxy, located betwixt two constellations: the constellation Sagittarius and the constellation Scorpio.

From an astrological point of view, this is the almost magical, to the lowest degree studied sign. Information technology is associated with admittedly fantastic properties of consciousness, abilities that are difficult for a person to even imagine.

If moles are located in the armpit on the favorable side, so in some cases this indicates a special purpose of a person, he may have abilities that are not characteristic of ordinary people.

A triangle of moles can speak of a certain space mission in life. When the triangle is located on negative side- this is a sign that a person has to make a cede, and if he is located with the top down, then the person will not know that he is performing a certain mission. Very rarely, the apex of a triangle looks up. And it is very probable that such a person will be given some more specific instructions.

Nigh tattoos

Now allow'southward talk about fickle artificial signs on the body - they are tattoos.

It has long been known that tattooing is a kind of ritual, a magical act. In many tribes, each person gets their ain tattoo in society to correct their fate, it tin exist a symbol of a person's dedication to a certain activity.

But according to the laws of magic, if a person who has a tattoo that initiates him, for example, a priest, does nothing or carelessly performs his duties, then he volition non succeed, despite the ritual signs on the body.

Tattoos for magical acts are usually applied to the face up, chest, buttocks and back, nearly often these are signs in the course of various triangles. All rights reserved.

"Morphoscopy is a applied teaching about the imprints of astrological influences on the human body. According to astrological principles, the human torso is divided into "spheres of influence" past the signs of the zodiac. The head is nether the influence of Aries, the cervix is Taurus, the artillery are Gemini, etc. etc. The advent, disappearance, change in the shape and color of the marker indicates a change in the situation associated with this planet. For example, a pale bluish mole on the breast on the "happy" side (for men, this is considered to be the right side of the body, for women - the left side) speaks of the protection of ancestors, a karmic approval, and from the "unlucky" one, of the ancestral curse. A birthmark on the top of the human foot near the heel speaks of secret leadership, the possibility of hidden influence on the actions of others. A ruby-red-brown spot in the lower abdomen on the "unlucky" side is a alert near possible decease in mass catastrophes. "

P.P. Globa. Pop star divination. Minsk, 1993.

The significant of moles and astrology: sides of the body

The human being body in morphoscopic teaching is commonly divided into two equal parts. The cardinal line, which starts from the center of the forehead and goes strictly vertically, the trunk is divided into equal halves - right and left. Each carries relevant information most astrological influences on this particular person. In morphoscopy, this data is expressed in the grade of a variety of signs. These prints include moles and birthmarks of various sizes and configurations.

It is very important to remember that for people of different genders, the features of this information depend on whether this sign is on the correct or on the left side of the body.

For men, the right half of the trunk is considered favorable, and the signs that are located on it carry positive information, signal events that improve health, well-being and other aspects of life. Accordingly, signs on the left side of the trunk in men acquit unfavorable, threatening information. For women, the left one-half of the body is considered favorable, and the right half is considered ominous, carrying negative information.

Moles and the influence of the planets

It is known that in astrology one of the most important planets are the Sun and the Moon. The sun, the planet that carries lite, heat and life itself, is the main indicator of a person'due south spiritual and physical capabilities. Moreover, the dominicus is considered a planet favorable for men. Therefore, the right half of men is identified with the sun, respectively, the sun has a more than favorable effect on men than on women.

The moon is a night planet, it shows the hidden passive capabilities of a person. The moon controls the woman more, her left (positive) half. In men, the left "negative" half of the trunk corresponds to the Moon.

And so, the correct half of the torso: men are positive, women are negative.

Left side of the body: men are negative, women are positive. Men: the right one-half is the Sun, the left half is the Moon. Women: the left half is the Sun, the correct one-half is the Moon.

It follows from the above that men and women seem to have reverse charges. And this must be remembered when interpreting whatever signs on the body.

Signs on the human body are of several types, and each of them carries one or another strictly defined data about the events in life that may wait him. Signs on the body are unshakable and unsteady.

Moles and birthmarks are permanent signs. From the point of view of morphoscopy, unlike types of moles are associated with different planets. So, dark moles stand for to Saturn, ruby ones to Jupiter and Mars, and light ones to Venus.

Saturn is the planet of stability, inevitability, fatefulness. Jupiter is a symbol of police, power. Mars is a symbol of passion, war, aggression. Finally, Venus is a symbol of personal angel, man feelings, a symbol of interaction with other people, the possibility of influencing the personality of other people's views and desires.

The sign of Saturn - a dark mole - indicates the inevitability, predetermination of the event. Such a sign suggests that a person is facing an event that closes in on itself, limiting the capabilities of the individual. Dark moles are unshakable attitudes, and the more than convex they are, the more testify that a person's consequence is "written in kind" and goose egg tin can change information technology.

The second type of moles, cherry, must be given special attending, because they warn of possible events in a person'southward life that will bear upon a person in terms of authority, can force him to modify beliefs, worldview and even change religion. Ideological reincarnation awaits such a person.

Calorie-free moles indicate events in a person'south personal life. These prints speak well-nigh obstacles or, conversely, about happy events awaiting a person in love, friendship and, in general, in relationships with the people around him. Moreover, whether this influence is stimulating or inhibiting is indicated on which side of the trunk this sign is located.

Do non forget that for men and women these are different sides.

Moles and the karmic aspect

Moles every bit signs of fate are given to a person at birth or before long after, they remain, as permanent marks, for life. On the body of a person with an platonic, happy fate, who has no bug, in that location should non be moles. A newborn child usually has very few moles; with age, their number increases with the growth of life feel and life problems. Information technology is impossible to remove moles in any example! And not simply in connexion with their importance in the esoteric tradition. It is known that a malignant tumour can occur at the site of a removed mole.

Co-ordinate to morphoscopic teaching, this or that effect in a person's life must necessarily occur in accordance with the location of the mole. And, therefore, its removal will negatively affect the fate of a person. Events in life will be confused, they will take identify in a different, perverted form. Such a person volition be taken by surprise, will not exist able to resist the face of fate.

It is believed that if there are moles, it means that some important issue has not been resolved, some problem remains, that is, this is an indicator of a person'southward debt to his ain life, his destiny.

A mole, depending on which part of the body it is located on, volition indicate the area of ​​man life through which the job or problem must be solved.

Consider, for instance, the sacred triangle. Moles can be found here quite oft. And depending on which side it is located on, this is an indication that a person volition take to become through difficult trials, need (location on the negative side) or indicates the development of special abilities, intuition when located on the positive side.

In the case when the mole is located at the noon of the triangle, the person will be capable of early and constructive learning in the sciences.

About birthmarks

Unlike moles, which are kind of personal marks, birthmarks are indicators of permanent events associated with other people. They remind that a person should not exist selfish, a loner, that he lives surrounded by other people and should be ready to assist. These marks are larger than moles, more than prominent, and are not dark.

Cherry-red birthmarks are associated with the planet Mars. And due to the fact that Mars is a symbol of war, all aggressive acts are associated with information technology - this is both a struggle for power and a test of will, such signs warn that a person in life "does not face an easy fate", he has to fight and defend himself , concentrate their forces to solve problems. But the loss of your ain energy is inevitable.

Because the above, it is safe to say that these permanent morphoscopic signs (moles and birthmarks) bespeak the inevitability of some issues in a person's life, since they are karmic.

Determination of exposure time

With a morphoscopic interpretation, only permanent signs are usually read and taken into account - moles and birthmarks. Other skin marks are indicators of small-scale short-term events.

Attention is paid only to moles that appeared before the age of 7. If they persist farther, then such moles will be considered permanent signs, but if they disappear after seven years, and then they are non taken into account. If any sign disappears, another may announced in its place. If this is a pale spot, then we tin presume that some events, adept or unfavorable, may not yet happen to this person in life.

To decide the fourth dimension of the event indicated by a detail sign, you need to know how each part of the human body is divided according to its lifetime.

The entire human body is divided into three parts: arms, legs, torso. Then each of these parts must be divided horizontally into eight equal parts. The time of the event that heralds a item sign is determined from top to bottom (from birth to death). The age at which the issue of involvement will occur tin can usually be determined with an accurateness of ten years.

For example, if there is a mole in the centre of the forearm, and then the event will occur at the historic period of 40-l years.

Analysis and synthesis in morphoscopy

By means of morphoscopic synthesis, the nearly important fundamental factors in the fate of a person are revealed.

From the point of view of morphoscopic synthesis, all people are divided into four types. Each of them corresponds to a certain element: Fire, World, Air, Water. One more element joins these four basic elements - Ether.

In gild to decide which karmic type a person belongs to, kickoff of all, it is necessary to highlight the chief zone of each of the elements. This is done taking into account the quantity and quality of permanent body prints in that item area.

Elements and their zones on the torso

Every bit mentioned higher up, there are v zones corresponding to the 5 elements. Allow'southward take a closer look at each of them.

Fire chemical element zone - head, upper dorsum, buttocks.

Moles located on these parts of the human being body indicate that this person is bright, active, with high intelligence and a developed sense of beauty. He can exist a scientist, teacher, pol, artist and artist, and if the signs are located on the negative side (on the left for men and on the right for women), then a person who has the first-class qualities listed to a higher place is, at the same time, obstinate, uncontrollable , selfish.

Zone of the elements of the Earth - neck, stomach, knees.

A person who has moles on these parts of the body has a down-to-earth character, all his aspirations are aimed at solving cloth issues, he cannot refuse material well-being.

At the same time, they are practical, punchy, respectable people. Such a person will be a adept father of a family, merely will never be able to achieve heights in the spiritual field.

These people may have special talents that tin can be easily developed, since their owners are endowed with a "divine spark" from nativity. They are prone to philosophy, music making.

Zone of the chemical element of Air - arms, lower back, lower legs.

If moles are located on the arms, legs or lower back, this indicates a lightness of character. This person is sociable, good conversationalist, easily assimilates data. Despite his flexibility, adjustability, such a person practically does not give in to someone else'southward influence, he is stubborn and can himself influence the world around him.

He volition be a good manager, announcer. Only if the signs are located on the negative side, then the person is unreliable, dependent on someone else'southward stance, and tin hands beguile.

Zone of the chemical element of Water - chest, sacred triangle, feet.

Moles in the zone of the element of Water indicate that the spiritual globe and subjective concepts such as family, home, homeland are nearly important for a person. Moles, especially in the area of ​​the sacred triangle, indicate the ability of such a person to solve mystical problems.

Such a person will make a expert medium, a fortuneteller. Moreover, if the mole is on the favorable side, the person will become famous and popular.

Zones of the elements of Ether - all parts of the body incorporate the aforementioned number of signs.

They are admittedly harmonious people, both physically and spiritually.

They apply their abilities with equal success in any field of activity, seeking recognition and fame.

Moles of Saturn

Saturn's moles on the body bespeak situations in a person's life that cannot be ignored.

By studying these moles, ane tin can immediately determine the fate of a person. When these moles are reddish, it ways they are gravitating towards Mars. With such signs, a person should exist prepared for the fact that life situations await him, which cannot be solved simply and hands, that his issues will exist very astute.

Decision of the favorableness of events

How to determine what situations (negative or positive) await a person on his life path?

To answer this question, you need:

  • the most thorough examination of the right and left halves of the body;
  • determine which signs are located on each of them and on which half the number of these signs is greater.

Immutable imprints - moles and birthmarks - should immediately show which - proficient or bad - tendencies a person's life has. It is interesting that unshakable marks can be paired, that is, almost the same moles are located on both sides of the trunk and are separated by a primal line. In the presence of such a motion picture, it is necessary to look for a sign in another part, which confirms or denies this situation.

For example: if in the zone of diseases - on the tummy - at that place are two moles, which are separated past the central line, then this is an indication of the disease. Merely in society to exist completely sure of the definiteness of this fact, it is necessary to observe a third sign that destroys or, conversely, saves. In cases of affliction, one should expect for information technology in the sacral zone.

Moreover, it is very of import to correctly determine the age zone, which should correspond to a given specific age of a person, which is indicated by the above picture of paired moles.

If in the expanse of ​​the sacred triangle respective to a given historic period there is an unfavorable sign, for example, a reddish mole on the unfavorable side, then this means that this situation tin be resolved in the near unpredictable and unpleasant way.

For example, a disease that has been in a latent form for a long time can all of a sudden end sadly in two weeks.

Conversely, fifty-fifty if such an unfavorable sign is on the favorable side, and so a state of affairs that inspires great concern may cease well, and anxiety for a person'southward health volition be in vain.

It is important to retrieve that paired prints never destroy each other, as tin happen in a situation when the number of moles on both halves, for example, the breast, is the same, but neither of them has a twin pair. In such a situation, the signs are leveled.

The pregnant of moles and astrology: figures from moles

Immutable imprints on the body tin can exist represented in the class of various shapes - a circle, a foursquare, a triangle, etc. Unlike shapes accept a different character from the point of view of morphoscopy:

  • a triangle of moles is a very auspicious sign;
  • circles and ovals of the right shape also carry positive information and are auspicious signs;
  • unfavorable, threatening signs include a five-pointed star, a square of moles and a birthmark, presented in the form of a spider. Only the most terrible sign is the cross. The triangle is the virtually significant of the positive signs. If it appears on a person's face, it is considered equally a sign of a qualitative restructuring. This person is considered the chosen i.

But this sign, in plough, imposes a great responsibility on a person, he is forbidden to commit unseemly acts, to sin. Any sin can lead to unpredictable consequences, falling into a deep abyss. The triangle symbol, even in the form of a white spot, requires a lot from a person. He will need a lot of mental force to fulfill his destiny.

If a favorable sign appears on the negative side unfavorable for a given person, so this is a bad sign, and troubles, misfortunes often become more serious.

For case, the figure of a triangle of moles on the left shoulder (negative half of the body) in a human indicates that such a person attracts misfortunes, all negative events, is a "scapegoat". When a triangle is found on the unfavorable side, information technology is considered a salutary sign, protecting a person from problem and misfortune. Example: A man with a triangle of moles on his left shoulder (negative side of the body) has been in serious car accidents several times, only survived unharmed.

When the effigy, no matter what, is located in the eye of the body, it is important to determine which side it is closer to. This tin be considered an indication of how this or that life situation will develop. Will the unfavorable difficult period of a person'south life end happily, or, conversely, a happy period in all respects volition end in trouble, misfortune.

A person with such an arrangement of the sign acquires life experience that helps to cope with misfortune, to rebuild in a disquisitional situation.

Left-handed and right-handed

It is difficult to carry out morphoscopic assay if the person is left-handed. In our country, such people are more often retrained, every bit a result, and some of his signs change, but some remain the same. Which of its sides is positive, and which is negative, it is non easy to differentiate. In a left-handed adult female, some signs on the left (happy) side volition be good, as it should be, and some will be bad.

But still, usually, if a woman is left-handed, and so her signs are interpreted equally in a man. In a left-handed human being, morphoscopic analysis is performed according to the female type.

About the armpits

The armpits from the bespeak of view of morphoscopy require special attention.

In astrology, at that place is a sign that is not included in the circle of 12 signs of the zodiac. This is the 13th sign - Ophiuchus, it is associated with the middle of the Galaxy, located between ii constellations: the constellation Sagittarius and the constellation Scorpio.

From an astrological indicate of view, this is the most magical, least studied sign. It is associated with absolutely fantastic properties of consciousness, abilities that are difficult for a person to even imagine.

If moles are located in the armpit on the favorable side, then in some cases this indicates a special purpose of a person, he may have abilities that are not feature of ordinary people.

A triangle of moles can speak of a sure space mission in life. When the triangle is located on the negative side, this is a sign that a person has to brand a sacrifice, and if it is located with its top down, then the person will not know that he is performing a sure mission. Very rarely, the apex of a triangle looks up. And it is very likely that such a person will be given some more specific instructions.

Most tattoos

Now let'due south talk about fickle artificial signs on the body - they are tattoos.

It has long been known that tattooing is a kind of ritual, a magical act. In many tribes, each person gets their own tattoo in order to correct their fate, information technology can be a symbol of a person's dedication to a certain activity.

But according to the laws of magic, if a person who has a tattoo that initiates him, for example, a priest, does nothing or carelessly performs his duties, then he will not succeed, despite the ritual signs on the body.

Tattoos for magical acts are usually applied to the face, chest, buttocks and dorsum, almost often these are signs in the form of various triangles.

Nevi - triangles

The advent of nevi on the skin is due to the presence a large number pigment in some skin cells. Basically, the triangle of moles is just a coincidence, although this is very rare. Specially when it comes to the "isosceles triangle." Surely such nevi take the aforementioned roots, therefore, in case of danger, information technology is worth removing all age spots at once and then that there are no problems with the skin.

There are people who consider unusual moles to exist happy or meaningful in their lives. In this they are supported by the theory of molosophy, which reveals the secret meaning of the meanings of moles co-ordinate to their location on the body. So moles in the shape of a triangle are considered very happy, they should bring practiced luck and success, wealth and joy to the life of their possessor. It is believed that people with such nevi are artistic and open up-minded, can easily conform to the situation, which means they should choose a social profession, you tin become an player or performer - people volition be drawn to them.

Nonetheless, one should not misfile the three triangle-shaped moles with three nevi, which do not form a "magic happy triangle". The geometric shape that is obtained past their nevi of the same type, which coincides, is considered happy and correct:

  • color,
  • size in bore,
  • burl (simply flat or as convex).

If nevi-triangles practice not consist of the same age spots, and then these are just 3 nevi located next to each other, not forming any geometric shape. By the way, any form of a mole, which is formed past the same specks, is considered happy.

Problems associated with nevi

The structure of a mole is very unproblematic - these are ordinary skin cells inundation with pigment, which turn into melanocytes. If yous look at a nevus in a section under a strong magnification, you will notice that there are few melanocytes in the epidermis, but a nevus has a lot of them. The problem is that new age spots can appear on the skin if the pigment gradually accumulates in 1 place. Nonetheless, the very appearance of new spots on the pare is not as scary equally the possible consequences of the appearance of dangerous nevi. Such moles are dangerous:

  • located in traumatic places,
  • convex,
  • melanoma.

If a mole breaks out, most probable you lot touched information technology, ripped it off or cut it, injured it. This is very simple to exercise, because information technology is important to handle nevi very carefully. Whatsoever trauma to the pigmented spot can crusade the development of skin cancer, including thermal burns or radiation exposure.

Here are the most dangerous changes in the nevus:

  1. Strange advent, for case, an abscess appeared on the mole, a chaff or cracks, bleeding opened;
  2. Rapid growth of a nevus, any nevi larger than 6 mm are suspicious;
  3. Disproportion, which can sometimes be seen even with the naked centre;
  4. The colour has changed in whole or in function;
  5. The edges of the nevus became uneven, torn.

If yous notice at least one of the listed symptoms, you should larn how to bargain with moles. Merely the removal of a dangerous degenerating tumor, which can be very dangerous and rapidly developing, will assist.

Unusual nevi

Unusual nevi often bring fame to their owners in certain circles. Many even consider their unusual markings happy signs fate. The meanings of nevi assistance in this cocky-hypnosis. In this example, information technology is important not simply the size, color and location of the nevus, only also their accumulation. For example, there is a theory that people with a large number of moles on their bodies are happy, although it is quite possible to find such representatives in prisons, psychiatric clinics or on the streets. However, for many, this does non hateful annihilation, but a blue mole on right hand is believed by such lucky ones to bring a lot of happiness in life.

Three moles lined up in a row exactly along ane line at the aforementioned altitude from each other also speak about the happiness that should back-trail in life. And so or not, only the owners of such points on the skin tin can reply. In fact, all nevi are unusual, because if you look closely, you will see that they are all symmetrical within their borders. Bluish historic period spots, which are very rare, are besides unusual, therefore most ordinary people we take never fifty-fifty heard of them.

The hairiness of nevi can also be called unusual, because a hairy mole is institute along with a hairless mole. Information technology is believed that the hairy historic period spot is harmless and cannot cause melanoma, unlike the "baldheaded nevus". Amidst the unusual age spots, it too stands out:

  • pink or red, i.e. vascular formations,
  • nevi on the mucous membrane,
  • giant birthmarks, the size of an unabridged organ, for example, the unabridged arm,
  • nevi on the nipples, sometimes information technology is even difficult to distinguish them,
  • age spots on the palms and feet.

Do not be surprised at unusual moles, as you should know, they can announced on any role of the torso, including the natural language, eyes, genitals, etc. In addition, the appearance of new nevi is an ordinary process planned by nature.

Is information technology possible to remove nevi

Sometimes the surgeon'due south patients are concerned about whether it is worth removing the nevus, information technology is possible to really salve it. Withal, fifty-fifty if y'all have the lucky 3 moles in the class of a triangle that require treatment, you volition have to accept their removal.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Recollect that as a treatment for nevi, only their removal is implied and immune. None folk recipes can't assist y'all. You lot should also not trust unskilled cosmetologists without medical education.

If it is and then of import for you to get your happy nevi back, take a pic of them equally a souvenir, and six months after the removal of dangerous birthmarks, you can make a tattoo of the nevi in ​​the aforementioned place.

Fifty-fifty several nevi can exist removed at once, so that a unsafe triangular mole can disappear from your peel in one go. To do this, y'all should choose one of two options:

  1. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation removal: fast, painless and bloodless. In that location are contraindications, anesthesia is not required, it takes no more than iii minutes to remove 1 nevus;
  2. Excision with a scalpel: effective, inexpensive. For hurting relief, anesthesia is performed, the operation lasts an hour.

There are several other options for getting rid of birthmarks from the body, but they do non give exact confidence that the triangle from the moles on the breadbasket or arm will be removed in one session. You lot may demand to repeat the procedure over again. Here are the methods:

  • Cryodestruction - getting rid of a pigment spot by destroying its cells past freezing it with liquid nitrogen. Due to the destruction of pare cells, wound healing is delayed, but the take chances of skin inflammation afterward surgery is reduced;
  • Radio wave method - modernistic method getting rid of a nevus using high frequency radio waves. An effective and popular method that has a high chance of removing a nevus in one arroyo without reoperation;
  • Electrocoagulation is the removal of a nevus using high-frequency electric current... The procedure is fast, anesthesia is performed, healing is quite quick, there is a risk of scarring.
Is the position of official medicine in relation to moles so articulate? Is it really just a malformation of the peel, or something much more than? People with psychic abilities, confirm the belief of ancient civilizations that moles are special marks of fate that tin can tell a lot almost the character and purpose of a person.

Alternative medicine does not need pills, injections or sophisticated equipment: for thousands of years, healers have cured whatever human disease with simple acupuncture. Modern researchers have come to the decision that biologically active points scattered throughout the homo body are a kind of channels for the exchange of free energy with the Creation. That is why by acting on them, you lot can influence the work of the body - brain structures, organ systems, hormonal system.

It is believed that birthmarks and age spots appear on the body most often at these very bioactive points, on the energy meridians and in reflexogenic zones. It is likely that these spots are a kind of biological filters that finely regulate the energy and information substitution of a person with the Universe.

In that location is a whole co-operative of fortune-telling and reading a person's graphic symbol by moles on his body - you tin can believe in them or non, merely information technology is best to check on yourself. Moles on the palms and feet, on the elbows and knees are of detail importance, since they are located on the exit lines and the intersection of energy channels. In this case, the color of the pigment, and the shape and size of these "antennas" are important, the frequency spectrum of the signals received and emitted by the body depends on this.

Color and shape of moles

In characterizing moles, their color is very of import:

Nighttime moles are associated with the influence of Saturn and point a person's karma;

Red moles are associated with the influence of Jupiter and warn of events that make a person change, reconsider their worldview;

Low-cal moles indicate the influence of Venus and the ability to communicate with other people.

Than more correct form round birthmark, the kinder the omen. If the mole is convex, and so fate is considered very happy. Oval or elongated moles bring bad luck, which is worse the darker the mole.

Location of moles

Forehead in the upper part: on the left - the ability to look at the root, a deep understanding of the pregnant of things and events that happen to a person; on the right - a person is even more initiative and agile in seeing the truth of life. These people have the power to influence their ain energies and the energies of others.

Above the bridge of the nose betwixt the eyebrows: hidden knowledge is available to a person, he can become a clairvoyant.

Eyebrows: higher up the right - perseverance, agile life, luck in everything; above the left - everything is exactly the reverse.

Eyes: under them - tenderness, kindness, sensuality, deep love, marital fidelity; near the outer corner of the eye - a calm and counterbalanced character, confidence, frugality.

Cheeks: right - happiness in married life, left - many obstacles on the way to the goal.

Nose: on the left side - observation, prudence, dexterity and cunning of the mind; on the right - the impulsiveness of the heed, sometimes the aggressiveness of ideas and thoughts. These people are initiators and they have a good punchy will and strong grapheme.

Lips: moles in this identify reflect a loftier concentration of human energies at the level of sensuality, passion and sexuality. On the left side - femininity, tenderness, honey for sexual attention to oneself; on the correct - the assertiveness, activity and masculinity of a person'south sensual and sexual energy.

Cheekbones: on the left - on the inaccessibility of character, amnesty, independence, strong graphic symbol, stubbornness; on the right - the punchy grapheme of a person, willpower, strong character.

Chin: due north On the left side - passivity, femininity, mannerism; on the right - masculinity, activity, impulsivity. Moles in the chin area indicate conservatism, materialism of a person, his attachment to worldly pleasures, to worldly comfort, to a cute life.

Ears - the spiritual depth of a person, vital insight and observation. Such people are capable of experiencing a wide range of feelings and emotions deep downwards in their souls: from happiness, joy and pity, to disappointment, pain and suffering.

Cervix - imbalance, lack of willpower, numerous weaknesses.

Shoulders: right - good luck in life; left - financial difficulties.

Chest: on the right side - luck will be changeable; on the left - a generous and slightly frivolous character.

Armpits: under the left mitt - wealth in machismo.

Hands: elbows - vulnerability and inability to live; brush - wealth and happiness; wrist - thrift, ingenuity, reliability; palm - an backlog of happiness, health, wealth; fingers - dishonesty, a tendency to exaggeration due to the inability to cope with difficulties.

Navel: for a human being - great happiness; for a woman - the desire to have many children.

The dorsum is openness and honesty.

Buttocks - a tendency to idleness and compliance.

Genitals - admirers of honey and sexual practice, happy wedlock, the nascence of very beautiful children.

Legs: thighs - contentment, fortitude, resourcefulness; knees - an extremely impatient person; shin - an easy-going person, a travel lover; feet are a resilient person; toes - unstable psyche, suspiciousness.

What do the groups of moles mean?

A figure formed past moles that are identical or like in shape, color and size is called a configuration ("constellation"). It should fit between two fingers - thumb and forefinger.

At that place are not many bones configurations.

The most common is the "Triangle": it denotes an of import purpose, leadership, mission, disclosure of secrets. If it is located with its top up, it should be interpreted as a symbol of growth and evolution. On the happy side (for women - left, for men - correct), this configuration promises the acquisition good experience, securing it; on the negative side - the aforementioned experience, but through suffering and trials. A downwards vertex speaks of involution, losses, even on the positive side. If the tip of the triangle is displaced to the correct or left, and so the person is not responsible for himself: either he is led by someone, or shifts his issues onto others.

"Zigzag, wave" consists of v-8 moles, like in location to the constellation Cassiopeia. On the happy side, information technology is a sign of transformation, surprise, freedom and independence; on the unlucky one, modify for the worse, unpredictable devastation and violence.

The "cross" is a configuration of 5 moles and looks like a diamond with a dot within. Information technology is a symbol of choice and mission, purpose. He kind of puts a person at a crossroads and gives him a pick. A uncomplicated rhomb or foursquare of liberty of pick does non imply: on the happy side information technology is a symbol of cocky-control, otherwise it ways dependence, submission, inhibition. Well, the circle is a symbol of repetition, the return of the situation.

Moles in the class of a chain (more than iii), located in one line - this is the configuration "bridge, road, path". Such a sign speaks of the clarity of the goal, that the path of a person is painted from first to stop. If the chain stretches from top to bottom - a person fulfills his destiny, if it is located horizontally - it ways that a person chooses his ain destiny.

The fact that moles appear on the human being trunk for a reason, everyone has heard for a long time, merely everyone thinks differently most this and, probably, anybody has a idea that maybe such "marks" actually hateful something? But just now, it's hard to understand.

Often on a person'south trunk y'all can see not just a mole, but a real sign that they draw! Very often these are peculiar symbols, for example, triangles unlike sizes... Sometimes information technology may seem that if you connect the moles, you get an impeccably correct geometric figure! Well, what is she trying to tell usa virtually, let's observe out ?!

Mole triangle: what is he talking about?

Precipitous corners itself geometric shape"Triangle" speaks of inconsistency and not-comparison of certain events nether dissimilar circumstances. In full general, he tin can equally testify to both good and bad! Many researchers argue that the owner of such a triangle is somehow continued with the forces of unearthly civilizations, his chakras are filled with super-strong energy and not always positive.

They say that those who take a triangle of moles on their bodies have a very difficult fate. Those with a triangle marked on their confront volition take many children, a big noisy family, which will be distinguished past kindness and understanding. But if moles are concentrated in magic sign on the wrist of a person, and so Senorita "Luck" herself favors him, so that he does not do, no matter how he lives, fate in whatsoever instance worships him and will bring him whatever he wants!

People who "wear" a triangle of moles on their bodies take some kind of protection, the origin of which is very difficult to understand, and, bluntly, impossible. It is every bit if someone from above is watching over them all their lives and, despite their vulnerability and wastefulness, they bring benefit and comfort, let them to always remain at their best and in affluence!

Such people usually react painfully to grievances, they are too vulnerable at centre to harm someone. Women are most often weak, simply they react incredibly quickly and decisively in the right situation, coming out of them is not that the winner, but not amazed!

In addition, such people have both internal and natural amuse, others are constantly drawn to them, but for some reason, existence much closer than they wanted, they fifty-fifty get upset past how powerful this person turned out to be over them.

3 Moles In Triangle Meaning,


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