
How To Add Folders In Github

Git Tutorials

Create Folder in GitHub: A Guide

There is no Git feature that supports the creation of an empty folder. To create a folder in Git, you lot must commit a folder to a repository that contains at least one file, fifty-fifty if that file is hidden.

In this guide, we're going to discuss how to create a binder on GitHub. We'll walk through an example of how to create a folder from the Git command line, and give instructions on how to create a binder from the GitHub web interface.

Create a Folder in GitHub: From Git

We're going to commencement work on an update for a projection called ck-git. Nosotros already have a Git repository prepare for this project. Before nosotros showtime working on our updated code, we're going to create the directory structure for our lawmaking.

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Our GitHub repository currently contains no folders:

Nosotros want to create a binder chosen docs and a folder called dev . To practice this, nosotros're going to use the mkdir command:

mkdir docs dev

This command creates our two directories. If we add these folders to a commit and push our changes, they will not evidence upwardly on GitHub. This is considering GitHub does not brandish empty folders.

To create our new folders, nosotros demand to add contents to our folders. Because nosotros are only initializing our project, nosotros can add in a few blank single files.

These blank files volition let us create our folder without having to really start work on our updates before nosotros have created the directory structure and uploaded it to Git.

Let's create two blank files to populate our new folders:

touch docs/.gitkeep impact dev/.gitkeep              

Nosotros have created two files called .gitkeep . Our two new directories now contain i file each. The .gitkeep file name is often used to create blank folders. Even so, there is no requirement that the proper noun of your file needs to exist .gitkeep to create a folder.

Now that these files exist, we tin track our otherwise empty folders and commit our lawmaking:

git add * git commit -chiliad "feat: Create directory structure" git button              

The git add command adds our files to the staging area. The git commit control creates a commit with our changes. The git push command pushes our changes to our remote repository. Our remote is hosted on GitHub.

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Let'due south run into what happens when we run these commands:

[master f10ed95] feat: Create directory construction  2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create manner 100644 dev/  create mode 100644 docs/ ...              

Our code successfully changes our files. Nosotros now have two new folders in our GitHub project: dev and docs. We can bank check that our folders exist by navigating to the GitHub dashboard for our projection:

Each of these folders contains 1 file. At present that we've divers the directory construction, we are free to go along working on our project.

Information technology's not e'er necessary to upload empty folders before y'all have worked on them. If you lot need to for some reason, such as if you lot are required to show your new construction to other collaborators, these are the steps you should follow if you lot desire to add the folders from Git.

Create a Binder in GitHub: From the Web Dashboard

There is no user interface feature to create a blank binder in GitHub. To create a new binder, y'all demand to create a new file and specify the directory in which that file should announced.

In other words, y'all can but create a folder after yous have created a file.

Nosotros desire to add i more directory to our code called "avails". To outset, allow's navigate to our repository and click on the "New file" button.

In the height text field, nosotros're going to create a file called "avails/.gitkeep":

This will let us create a folder called assets and a file chosen .gitkeep in that binder. Git automatically displays the new folder path when yous blazon in a / .

Optionally, you can add text or lawmaking to the file that yous have created. Again, ".gitkeep" is only a placeholder file name. You can name your file whatever yous want.

Adjacent, click Commit new file . This volition add our new file to our repository. If nosotros get back to our chief folder, we tin can encounter that our new folder and file have been created:

We've now successfully created a binder in GitHub.


GitHub does not allow you lot to add blank folders to your Git repository. A binder must incorporate a file before you can add it to a repository. If you want to create a new binder, create information technology first and and so add together a placeholder file into that folder. And then, add the new folder and file to your Git repo.

At present you accept the tools you need to create a folder in GitHub like a pro!

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James Gallagher

Nigh the writer: James Gallagher is a self-taught developer and the technical content manager at Career Karma. He has experience in range of programming languages and all-encompassing expertise in Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. James has written hundreds of programming tutorials, and he frequently contributes to publications similar Codecademy, Treehouse,, Afrotech, and others. He also serves as a researcher at Career Karma, publishing comprehensive reports on the bootcamp market.

How To Add Folders In Github,


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