• The tutorial below works for Facebook business pages only. Not personal Facebook profile. Not Facebook groups.
  • Both the event creator and co-host (to exist added) must be a Facebook folio.
  • Both Facebook pages must be ready to public. Age or country restrictions must be removed.
  • If all conditions in a higher place are met and it all the same did non work, unfortunately, we cannot reply why. Delight click here to ask Facebook directly.

If y'all want an event from another Facebook page to appear on your SociableKIT Facebook page events solution, your Facebook folio needs to exist a co-host of that outcome.

You can ask the owner of the event to do information technology for you in 3 piece of cake steps. Hither's how.

Please make sure the you are using a public Facebook page, not Facebook group or personal Facebook account. Remove any age or canton restrictions on your settings. Your page must "like" the event host'southward page as well.

Step #i: Go to the Facebook page event, on the upper right corner, click "Edit Upshot" push.

Delight enter your email address.

Step #2: It volition show the "Edit Outcome" popular upwardly box, scroll down and you volition see the "Co-hosts" option. Blazon the page of the co-host you lot want.

Footstep #iii: Click the co-host from the drop-downwardly and click the blue "Relieve" button.

The following links might also help:

  • How can I add more hosts to my outcome?
  • I desire to add a host to an event
  • How do I add co-hosts to my page's event?